Friday 5 March 2010

A break.....

I took a break because I needed a break.

I have sewed very little since Christmas and I think that has been a good thing. This isn't my day job, I have a very demanding, all consuming career, for which my stress relief has been sewing, but I lost my mojo. It has slowly been coming back as has my energy. I really feel the Christmas season just left me drained mentally and physically, as I always seemed to be running after someone else. Things have settled a lot and I am feeling more energized. Ready to get back into the saddle, sorta speak.

I do think this is one of the advantages of on-line business's. I have still been able to service my customers and get my orders out, but I have been able to take a back seat on promoting and producing. I know the consequence of such indulgent behaviour will mean hard work to regain lost ground, but I feel in a better frame of mind about sewing. This fact is the key, I love to create. I have no problem making bags on production levels, but there has to be some "fun" sewing as well. I am hoping to recapture some of that personal sewing time and get a few projects completed for me and for others. I will also be updating my blog a more often and hopefully showing some of the new and fun stuff going on in our house. Including the introduction of tote shoppers and mini baguettes with chains to my store, bag patterns to my OH's store and my new website going live.

So watch this space for pictures and updates and thank you to all you guys that stuck with me and kept checking in.

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