Monday 22 March 2010

Are they serious?

Tonight I started to look for a little bit of horse fabric that Heather Ross had produced, so I browsed around etsy. I was minding my own business and not really finding what I was after...... and then I noticed the ridiculous prices that some retailers are listing at.

Now I am a self-confessed fabric junkie, and would go to extreme measures to get something I really wanted, but $45 (£30) for a fat quarter? I ask you; are they serious???

I know Heather Ross produces amazing fabrics and that so many are hard to find because they are out of print, but are they really worth it? I have several of these hard to find fabrics and have used many of them as linings in  my bags, I love them but would not spend that much money on a little square of fabric that probably originally retailed at about $8 a yard.

I suspect I will have to admire them from afar or wait until she releases more patterns to spoonflower. In the mean time something to drool over.

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