Monday 12 January 2009

Post Christmas Slow Down

Christmas is a busy time of year for most but for the craft business it is hectic. Orders to fulfil, parcels to post, the nerves of whether something will arrive on time or at all and then all the other Christmas stuff. The resulting aftermath is tiredness, which is fine because it's a time of the year when it's fine just to lie around and eat. The major downside of all of this sloth is having to go back to work.

Last Sunday night I had the Sunday night sleep issues x10 infact I don't think I slept at all. I would really like to say I was thinking about what I was going to teach the next day but all I could think about was handbags, which is good and bad all at the same time. So Monday was a wash out and it has taken me a week to recover, so now I'm ready to get going, the first big thing is a major tidy.

The major tidy is mainly due to a bit of Christmas eve tidying, in which we cleared all the material out of the kitchen and dumped it in the work room. It is now at the stage were organisation is required and sorting due to colour and usage, like outers and inners etc. So that is the order of the day when I get home from work this evening, I also have a list of bags to start making. I am a real list person, but sometimes I hate that they are soooo long.

I am really excited about all my new fabrics and I have a couple of new ideas rattling around my head, so watch this space for some new pictures of bags.

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