Tuesday 5 May 2009

Etsy Finds - Horses

I love horses; I had a couple as a child. My lasting childhood memory is of being in the toy shop when I was about 3 and being asked what I wanted from Santa. I said I wanted a rocking horse. Unfortunately Santa that year got mixed up and delivered a silver cross dolls pram (!) instead. I never played with that pram, it still has snow white wheels. Needless to say the next year he got it right and I got my full sized rocking horse. I loved him and brushed him daily until the real thing arrived a few years later. My pretty rocking horse is in storage until it is needed for another little girl to love and sit on.

So when I saw this fab handmade rocking horse from HIPo Necessities I was quite smitten.
This made me go on a little search and I found this pretty pony by donkeypony, who's banner I just love.

I am often asked about horse fabric for bags but it is hard to find. I did buy this little bundle from Fabricpalooza a little while ago, but I haven't made anything with it just yet.

I also have my eye on this fabric from JamsaBon which is just lovely.

1 comment:

AnniKae said...

fun blog you have. my gosh, you've been quite the seamstress! Let us know how the craft fair goes.