I have been working hard at starting my own business making clutch handbags. This is something I have been playing about at this for years, making bags and giving them to friends and relatives as presents. People have been telling me for ages that I should be selling my bags, but I just didn't believe anyone would buy one.
A couple of months ago I found Etsy.com, and I saw an opportunity. I had always intended to sell online because everyone has been telling me that's the way to go. Etsy allows me to have a large international market and to get some passing trade.
I set up my little shop about 4-5 weeks ago and I have had 6 sales, not quite retirement material but a good start. What has been great is that it has given me a profile and this has lead to 4 custom orders in the last 10 days from people I know.
Call back soon for an update on how things are going.